Victory Hall Booking Form Thank you for your interest in using the New Victory Hall. Please complete and return this form to tell us about your requirements and we will be pleased to respond. Should you wish to talk to someone about any aspect of hiring the hall then please contact Doreen Dean, the Bookings Secretary, on 07551008065 or email bookings@victoryhall.infoName of Hirer*Organisation (if applicable)Position in OrganisationAddress*Telephone*Email* TYPE OF BOOKINGPlease indicate if this is for one or more individual bookings or a Block Booking for a period of time (maximum 12 months*Individual BookingsBlock BookingsINDIVIDUAL BOOKING*Please tick room(s) Required Hall Meeting Room Kitchen BLOCK BOOKINGS*Please tick room(s) Required Hall Meeting Room Kitchen Choose Day for your block booking*MonTueWedThuFriSatSunIndicate frequency of booking*Date* Start time including preparation time*Finish time including clearing time*Please desribe briefly the purpose of your hiring/event*Date you wish to start the block bookings* Date you wish to end the block bookings* Any dates to exclude?ABOUT YOUR BOOKINGWhat is the maximum number of persons expected on the premises at your event?*Will children be included in this event?*YesNoPlease state age range of any children participating in event.*Will this be a public or private event?*PublicPrivateWill this be a commercial or non-commercial event?*CommercialNon-commercialDo you hold Public Liability Insurance?YesNoPlease give details of your Public Liability InsuranceIs food to be provided at your event?*YesNoWhat type of food do you expect to serve? Light snacks Buffet Cooked meal How will food be prepared?In the kitchenBrought inDo you require use of the cooking or food heating facilities?YesNoWill alcohol be available at the event?YesNoIndicate how the alcohol will be providedSoldIncluded in ticket priceProvided freeBrought by individuals for personal consumptionThe use of the Hall and/or Meeting Room is subject to the payment of the booking /breakage deposit and the hire fee as well as acceptance of the New Victory Hall Standard Conditions of Hire which are available here. The Hirer must be aged 18 years or over. The Trustees of the New Victory Hall reserve the right to add any special conditions of hire they may deem relevant and these (if any) will be notified to you in writing and agreed before the booking is confirmed. By signing this booking form the Hirer acknowledges that he/she has seen, read, understood and agrees to these terms and conditions. Terms & Conditions of Hire* I confirm that I will adhere to the Terms & Conditions of Hire The contact information given on this form will be used and kept electronically for processing this booking. Your data will not be disclosed to any third party.